Frequently Asked Questions FAQ > Questions About Lettering > Will your vinyl lettering stick to interior panels of a car?

Will your vinyl lettering stick to interior panels of a car?

The dash and interior panels are not a good idea for decal installation. They make the dash with oil “built in”. This is why dashes don’t crack anymore. You could prep till your blue in the face (believe me I’ve done it) and within 2 to 3 months oils will reappear and cause the decal (or even duck tape) to let go.

There is one option in which some of our customers have had success. Order the graphic/decal just like usual. Then after you order, email us that you’d like it “made into a stencil for an interior panel or dash.” We will then “reverse cut” the decal (meaning the inside of the decal will be what shows on the dash). The rest of the decal will have become a paint mask stencil when applied. You can use this along with interior dye (local parts store) to achieve the look you want. Keep in mind this should be viewed as permanent. Also, we do not have any other details on this process. You may want to check with a local body shop for more details and to confirm what some of our customers have done is indeed a good idea. Let us know how it goes so we can update this question/answer. Hope this information helps.

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