Frequently Asked Questions FAQ > Questions About Lettering > On your online renderings for lettering, what is the background color?

On your online renderings for lettering, what is the background color?

Common Question.

As mentioned on the order page, the background is for preview purposes only. Why? The background color is the color of the intended surface (color of your car, mailbox, etc..). We don’t actually make that color.

Why, then, show the background color? It is helpful for getting a feel for how the color selected for your lettering will look on your car, mailbox, storefront, or where you have in mind.

A question that usually comes up with this question is: ‘Does this mean the background is clear vinyl?’

No. The lettering is pre-spaced on a wax paper sheet and then covered with a transfer tape to hold them all together (spaced as designed). Then the transfer paper and lettering is applied to the intended surface. Then the transfer paper is removed, leaving just the lettering.

You could say that the background is ‘clear’ in that it isn’t there 🙂 Still confused? A picture is worth a thousand words. Check out the installation page. If you still have questions, email us. We’ll be glad to help.

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