Frequently Asked Questions FAQ > Questions About Lettering > Do you spray the back of the vinyl lettering or the surface? I’m confused!

Do you spray the back of the vinyl lettering or the surface? I’m confused!

Detailed Customer Question

I have read over the installation instructions, but I don’t understand the part about spraying the adhesive? Does that mean to spray the back that is getting attached to the glass, or the glass itself.

Good question. Do you spray the back of the decal or the surface it will go on?

Answer: it doesn’t matter. However, the more water/soap solution you spray or the stronger the soap content, the longer you will have to wait for the decal to adhere well (i.e., the longer you will have to wait to remove the top mask). In cooler weather (below 60 degrees F) many don’t use any solution. If you do so in cooler weather, use very little on either the decal or intended surface. Note: do not get the wax paper wet.

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