Frequently Asked Questions FAQ > Questions About Lettering > Can I use vulgar words in my design?

Can I use vulgar words in my design?

why no curse words?
NO (but with a caveat)

In short, we do not make vinyl lettering that uses vulgar words or phrases.

But what is a vulgar word? That seems to be a moving target. Societal norms change. Still they need to be respected. And then again, some words might not be in themselves vulgar, but the idea behind them is.

So, if the phrase is considered:

1. a curse word

2. a violent or hateful idea

… the order will be refunded.

We are NOT sticks in the mud. Sometimes we get some borderline funny boat names and we ‘let them pass’. Still it seems any ‘line in the sand’ gets pushed further and further back.

For instance, what is a curse word? What is a hateful idea? We have struggled with how to answer this over the decades. Finally, we found a simple answer: ‘Would our young children view us as hypocrites for making vinyl lettering using this word?’ If the answer is yes, then we refund the order. That is our line in the sand.

If you’re reading this, well probably something ordered crossed that line… for us. In no way does this mean we judge someone else as wrong. We just have to do what is right for us. Thank you for understanding.

Possibly the order can be changed and the curse words removed? Or maybe we can give a discount code to make up for any hassle our conscience has caused. Either way, let us know what we can do, within the confines of our conscience.

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