Frequently Asked Questions FAQ > Questions About Decals > What size decal should I get?

What size decal should I get?

This is a very common question. We really wish there was some kind of an algorithm that could be entered in for the answer.

When it comes right down to it, nothing can replace the opinion of the customer. We can give some input, but could never answer what really is a very personal question.

Let’s illustrate with windshield lettering. Some customers want little ‘tiny’ lettering in the middle of the windshield (but some customers would say even what they picked is to big) others want it to stretch all the way across from one end to another. Which is ‘right’? Which looks better? Completely a personal viewpoint. There is no wrong answer. What looks best depends completely on what you like. And well, maybe family and friends – so you may want to get their opinion. This same principle applies to other areas where size is a question (signs, decals, stripes, etc…).

What to do? The best answer is: go find a tape measure. And then spend some time giving some careful thought to what you will like.

Still having a hard time deciding? Email us, we can help some, in that we can let you know what others have ordered.

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