Frequently Asked Questions FAQ > Questions About Decals > What color are your RED decals (or your other colors)?

What color are your RED decals (or your other colors)?

Excellent question. Computer monitors and phone vary greatly in the way they display colors. For instance, red can appear from tomato red to burgundy – all depending on the device.

If an exact color match is needed we can send you out a color samples right away – no charge. Just let us know where to send it. This is a great idea anyway. Color samples take the guess work out of viewing colors electronically.

If you select one of these “special” colors that are mailed to you for review, how do you order? Order as usual, after you order, email us your order number along with the ‘correction’ (i.e., “change to color code: #XXXXX”) and we’ll make the change to your order before production begins.

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