Frequently Asked Questions FAQ > Questions About Application > How well does your vinyl peel off of painted walls when changed seasonally?

How well does your vinyl peel off of painted walls when changed seasonally?

Decal peeling or wall paint peeling from a decal?Our vinyl usually does well.

Why just ‘usually’ and not ‘always’? There are some concerns to keep in mind.

The inside of exterior walls have bigger temp changes. This means the wall expands and contracts (and the vinyl does also but at a different rate). One surface expanding or contracting faster than the other can cause tension on the adhesive between the two surfaces. Also, some exterior walls can have condensation issues. Both of these can cause an issue where the decal wants to peel off (not adhere).

But with peeling decals (the decal not adhering to the wall), it’s not a horrible issue. Since just patting it down (after it dries or the temps become more consistent outside and inside) and it will do good for months to come.

As far as removing the decals and messing up the paint. This is rarely a problem. If it happens, it is because:

1. The decal was applied for a long time (many years) and really bonded.
2. The decal experienced high temps for a long time (no AC running in the summer)
3. The decal was applied to new paint that had not cured (gassed off)
4. The paint job was not done well.

No cheap paint under wall decalsSo on that last point, if any of the layers of paint are cheap paint or applied on a surface not prepared to be painted, it doesn’t take much for the paint to peel in general. Seal low quality paint with a decal and this can make a weak point for peeling, especially when removed later. Even with this issue, take your time and be very gentle peeling a decal off of bad paint and you’ll have no problems.

Keep the above in mind and you’ll have no worries. The decal will not peel off the wall (until you want it off the wall). The paint will not peel off the wall when removing the decal.

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