Frequently Asked Questions FAQ > Questions About Application > Can I wax or wash my vehicle right after I install the decals?

Can I wax or wash my vehicle right after I install the decals?

For washing, you need to wait a couple days in the winter. Just one day in the summer (let it get some sun). If you use the ‘wet method’ for installation double the waiting period.

For waxing, wait 5 days. If you used the wet method or installed during winter time, wait 10 days. But be careful! Some waxes have strong solvents and cleaners that can eat at the edge of the vinyl. Especially if you allow wax buildup on the edge, can this become a problem. That being said, be careful and you’ll do just fine. Note: while waxing may not hurt the decal, the decal does not need waxing.

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