Frequently Asked Questions FAQ > Questions About Signs > Can I get a sign done in pink? I did not see the color listed.

Can I get a sign done in pink? I did not see the color listed.

Yes you can. For this color there is no additional charge nor for most other common colors that are not offered online. Exceptions would be for pearl, metal flake, reflective or “printed” colors such as carbon fiber or faded colors (for these colors email before ordering to confirm the price change).

For a simple online ordering process we list the most commonly desired colors.

If you’d like one of these “special” colors not listed, how do you order? Order as usual, after you order, email us your order number along with the “correction” (i.e., change to pearl white) and we’ll make the change to your order before production begins.

After you order, email us and flag the order. Let us know the order number (given at the receipt page) and let us know it is to be made chrome and not silver.

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