Frequently Asked Questions FAQ > Questions About Ordering > Why did my special instructions delay my order?

Why did my special instructions delay my order?

Try not to leave us guessing

In short, because we have questions and don’t want to guess about the instructions.

We DO encourage our customers to let us know ANYTHING they want changed from what they designed online. Might as well, everything is custom anyways. You should have it made just the way you want. Plus, we love to design. And we love working with our customers coming up with unique designs just the way they imagine. It is the most fun part of our day.

Still there are challenges. When a customer gives special instructions on their order on what to change, 90% of the time the instructions are very easy to understand. But about 10% of the time, there is some ‘wiggle room’ in exactly what they intended to convey. Sure, we probably know what they mean, but if the instructions can be taken more than one way, well it leaves us guessing a bit.

Do we guess and get the order to production right away? Or do we send a proof and delay the order? Sometimes the designers are a bit backed up with design work on large orders. The delay could be a few days. What to do? Guessing is a problem, because if we guess wrong, 10% of the time we will be redoing the order. Nobody wants that!

The answer?

1. Be clear and specific in any special instructions (don’t give us any wiggle room)
2. Be prepared that special instructions can cause a delay in your order’s production

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