Frequently Asked Questions FAQ > Questions About Graphics > What size are your graphics at I don’t see a size listed?

What size are your graphics at I don’t see a size listed?

Detailed Customer Question
I was wondering if you can tell me what the length and width the graphic you would make for the vehicle is. I took some rough measurements and figured I’d want roughly 132 inches long and 20 inches wide. I’m just wondering what your measurements are cause I don’t know what would look best. I figure you probably know better. Once I figure this out I will be placing an order with you for sure. Your site is great and your email was the fastest response I have ever gotten.

Good question on the length. Generally the cost for the stripes found at cost more than the stripes found at the Wildstripes Vault because of the design time. When we get an order from wildstripes, the designer sits down with a template of your ride and the graphic and works with it till he likes it. Then that file, whatever size it is, is passed on to the production department. On the other hand, when we get an order from the Wildstripes Vault the size is given and the designer is bypassed – the reason the cost is generally less.

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